Services Provided
- We provide livery in conventional stables with secure, anti-weave, sliding doors.
- We also provide grass paddocks with post-and-rail fencing, stock-proof hedging and mature trees, field shelters, and automatic drinking troughs.
- We provide straw bedding for stabling.
- We provide mucking-out equipment and dispose of stable waste.
- We do NOT provide hard feed such as meal or nuts. We can arrange hay feed if requested in advance. It is preferred that owners bring their own feeding and dietary requirements.
- Stabled equines can be turned out during the day and checked regularly.
- We do NOT provide tack cleaning, grooming or lunging services. Owners are free to lunge their own equines on grass.
- We do NOT provide facilities for riding or jumping practice.
- Lorries and boxes may be parked-up securely while horses or ponies are at livery.
- Feed, tack and equipment may be stored securely if required.
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